Sunday, April 3, 2011


Elementary and Secondary Education Act : 

Students identified as gifted and talented based upon intellect or high test scoring, academic aptitude, creative or productive thinking, leadership ability, visual and performing arts skills and psychomotor ability, such as practical, spatial, mechanical and physical skills. “Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need ...

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is no standard global definition of what a gifted student is

Federal governmen

Gifted and talented children are those who by virtue of their outstanding abilities are capable of high performance.  These are children whose potentialities require differentiated education programs and/or services beyond those normally performance include those with demonstrated achievement or potential ability in any of the following areas, individually or in combination: general intellectual ability, specifiic academic aptitude, creative or productive thinking, leadership ability, visual and performing arts.

US Department of Education, 1993.

Children and youth with outstanding talent who perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment

Famous Gifted People

Real Men and Women of Genius

Here is a short list of famous gifted and exceptional people.
  1. Albert Einstein is obviously at the top of the list. But Einstein, as a child, could have been frustrating for his parents and teachers. According to stories about him, Einstein never learned to speak until he was four years old. Then, he had the bizarre habit of mumbling something first before saying anything out loud. His giftedness was obvious at a young age because he was always at the top of his class. But he hated school because he believed that the strict rules and rote learning held back his creativity. Eventually, one of his greatest works, the theory of relativity, left a new trail in the world of physics. Could your routines in the classroom hold back your students' creativity? Try something new and unexpected.
  2. Thomas Alva Edison is probably the greatest inventor of all time. With more than a thousand patents in his name, including the light bulb and the phonograph, he certainly deserves the honor of being called the "wizard of Menlo Park." But when he was a child, he was struck with scarlet fever that probably led to hearing problems. In school, his teachers complained that he inattentive. The teachers were not happy with his daydreaming that in the end, he had to be homeschooled. Have you given up on any of your gifted students? Maybe that student's entrepreneurial spirit just needed a nudge in the right direction.
  3. Leonardo Da Vinci is the quintessential Renaissance Man. He was an engineer and a painter, a mathematician and a musician, a writer and an architect. His talent and giftedness were honed during his many years of apprenticeship with master craftsmen and painters, such as Verrochio. Da Vinci, of course, had more talent than his masters, but he owed his learning to them. Your students will have IQs that would be higher or lower than yours. But you are their source of learning.
  4. Marie Curie, born Maria Sklodowska, was a star pupil. Despite bankruptcy of the family and political turmoil, she was nurtured emotionally and intellectually by her father. But at 15, after graduating at the top of her class, she suffered a nervous breakdown. After a year of rest, she went on to attend an underground medical school because the oppressive regime of the czar does not allow women to get higher education. She went on to become the Mother of Modern Physics after being awarded twice with the Nobel Prize. Gifted and talented students are not immune to problems. But if given the chance, they can move on and do great things.
These are just some of the famous and gifted exceptional people. They faced seemingly insurmountable challenges but they had mentors, like you, who helped them become successful and exceptional.


Saturday, April 2, 2011


1.1 Pengenalan
Pembelajaran adalah perubahan tingkah laku yang berlaku semasa proses memperolehi ilmu pengetahuan atau kemahiran. Perubahan tingkah laku melalui pembelajaran iaitu perubahan yang lebih maju, lebih tinggi dan lebih baik daripada tingkah laku yang sedia ada sebelum aktiviti pembelajaran melalui suatu proses yang berlaku dalam akal fikiran atau lebih dikenali sebagai kognitif. Apa yang penting dalam proses pembelajaran ialah hasil yang diperolehi selepas sesuatu proses itu dijalankan.
Menurut Robert M. Gagne (1970) dalam The Condition of Learning, pembelajaran merupakan “perubahan tingkahlaku atau kebolehan seseorang yang dapat dikekalkan, tidak termasuk perubahan yang disebabkan proses pertumbuhan”.
Manakala mengikut Woolfolk (1980) dalam Educational Psychology for Teachers, pembelajaran dilihat sebagai perubahan dalaman yang berlaku kepada seseorang dengan membentuk perkaitan yang baru, atau sebagai potensi yang sanggup menghasilkan tindak balas yang baru.
Seterusnya pembelajaran itu merupakan satu proses yang berterusan dimana ia boleh berlaku secara formal atau tak formal. Pembelajaran atau pendidikan secara formal biasanya akan berlaku di sekolah manakal pembelajaran tidak formal ialah pembelajaran melalui rakan sebaya, keluarga, media massa atau persekitaran. Pembelajaran juga mempunyai teori yang tersendiri.

1.2 Latar belakang projek

Projek ini dijalankan bagi memberi peluang kepada pelajar pintar cerdas keluar dari kepompong dunia pembelajaran yang membosankan dan tidak mencabar. Projek yang dijalankan adalah berteraskan kepada hasil pembelajaran dalam tajuk “Two Dimensional Shapes- find the perimeter of two composite shapes” bagi  matapelajaran matematik tahun 6.

1.3 Tujuan dan objektif kajian

Projek berkaitan perimeter ini dijalankan bagi memberikan satu tugasan yang agak mencabar kepada kanak-

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Story Problem Writing

  • Gifted students apply their simple math knowledge though the composition of story problems. To enrich the math lessons of gifted students, third grade teachers can simply translate the numerical math problems that the other students complete into story problems before presenting them to the students. While the rest of the pupils determine what 2+2 equals, the gifted student can figure out, "If Tommy has two balls and Sally give him two more, how many does he now have?"
    Once the student has developed an understanding of how to solve the story problems, the teacher can request that the student translate numeral problems into story problems himself, creating applied math problems that he can solve or could even be presented to classmates.

Math Song

  • Talented students can put math to music through the composition of a math song. While other students work to memorize mathematical principles or properties, the gifted students can compose a math ditty that demonstrates their understanding of the math concepts being explored. Encourage the gifted student to use a classic melody or develop his own and write lyrics that contain math information. Allow him to present his original composition to the class or create a digital recording to share with others.

Number Hunt Ordering

  • Keep your gifted student on the lookout by engaging her in a number hunt ordering activity. This ongoing activity gives your student something to do while her peers finish their work. Provide the student with print media, scissors, glue and a long sheet of banner paper. Tell her to go through the magazine or newspaper and cut out numbers. Once she has collected an assortment of numbers, ask her to glue them, in order, on her sheet of banner paper. Tell the student to leave room between each number so that she can later add numbers between the original digits. Keep the banner paper in the room and give her time to work on her number collection periodically. By year's end, she will have an impressive collection of ordered numbers.

Working Effectively with
Young Mathematicians with High Potential

What are we trying to encourage?
What sort of mathematics appeals to them?
What would the problems look like?
What thinking are they encouraging?
What kinds of questioning would help?

Mathematical Thinking and Questioning
Exemplifying, Specialising

Give me one or more examples of…
Describe, demonstrate, tell, show, choose, draw, find an example of…
Is … an example of …?
Find a counter-example of…
Are there any special examples of…?

Completing, Deleting, Correcting
What must be added/removed/altered to ensure/allow/contradict?
What can be added/removed/altered without affecting …?
Tell me what’s wrong with …?
What needs to be changed so that…?

Changing, Varying, Reversing, Altering

Change something to see an effect.
What if …?
If this is the answer to a similar question, what was the question?
Can you do this another way?
Which way is the quickest, easiest, …?
Change … in response to imposed constraints

Generalising, Conjecturing

Of what is this a special case?
What happens in general?
Is it always, sometimes, never …?
Describe all possible … as succinctly as you can
What can change and what has to stay the same so that … is still true?

Explaining, Justifying, Verifying, Convincing, Refuting

Explain why …
Give a reason (using or not using…)
How can we be sure that …?
Tell me what is wrong with …
Is it ever false/always true that …?
How is … used in …?
Explain role or use of …
Convince me that …

Comparing, Sorting, Organising

What’s the same and what’s different about …?
Sort the following according to 
Is it or is it not …?

Gifted Education is Good Education for Everyone

“A programme that helps students develop their mathematical abilities to the fullest may allow them to move faster than others in the class to avoid deadly repetition of material that they have already mastered.  Such a programme may also introduce them to topics that others might not study but, most important, it introduces pupils to the joys  and frustrations of thinking deeply about a range of original, open-ended, pr complex problems that encourage them to respond creatively in ways that are original, fluent, flexible and elegant.”
L. J. Sheffield,  Developing Mathematically Promising Students, 1999.

Consider your approach to enrichment, extension and acceleration and the balance you will take.

Productive environments:
  • Learner centred rather than teacher or content centred
  • Independence emphasised
  • Open to new ideas innovations, explorations
  • Acceptance rather than judgement
  • Complexity rather than simplicity
  • Varied groupings
  • Flexibility rather than too rigid a structure
  • Students encouraged to be mentally agile
  • Instructions given at a fast pace
  • Focussed on concepts rather than procedures
  • Fostering creativity

Productive communications:
  • Can you explain why?
  • Can you see patterns?
  • How do you know this is the answer?
  • Can you explain why this is correct to someone else?
  • Can you think of a problem that is similar?

In preparation:
  • Classroom culture
  • Using open problems
  • Access to a wide range of resources (online and paper based)– sharing with colleagues
  • Using your able pupils to support other children
  • Working independently or in small groups
  • Encourage self assessment and selection of materials
  • Make use of online communities
  • Enjoy the unpredictable –relax.

Other focuses:
  • Preparation for competitions ( maths challenge).
  • Local Master classes - build on them don’t let the experience pass the pupils and you by.  Talk about what they have done with the class and this might stimulate new ideas for them to pursue.
  • Share resources with other staff  - think about using similar problems with children in different year groups – coming together to work on a problem during the Numeracy hour.
  • Preparing extension activities as a natural part of lesson planning using sites like NRICH for ideas.

Maths Callenge

Mathematical Challenge

Sunday, February 27, 2011



Setiap insan yang dilahirkan ke dunia ini mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Terpulang kepada ibu bapa masing-masing bagaimana hendak mencorakkan kehidupan anak masing-masing. Ungkapan yang biasa didengar apabila bercakap mengenai perkembangan kanak-kanak. Baik didikan maka baiklah jadinya dan begitulah juga sebaliknya. Perkembangan kanak-kanak merupakan satu proses penting yang perlu diambil berat oleh setiap ibubapa. Pelbagai faktor perlu diambilkira selain daripada faktor genetik dan keturunan yang memang sukar untuk dielak. Namun demikian, kanak-kanak perlu dibantu untuk mendapatkan pengalaman dan pengayaan kemahiran dalam hidup masing-masing. Kanak-kanak yang mewarisi bakat atau kepintaran ibubapa juga memerlukan rangsangan bagi memastikan kelebihan yang dimiliki akan dapat digunakan sebagai satu ciri penting yang ada pada dirinya. Kanak-kanak pintar cerdas dan berbakat sebenarnya mempunyai potensi yang tinggi dalam pelbagai bidang mengikut kecenderungan masing-masing.


Siapakah yang dikatakan pintar cerdas?
Kanak-kanak pintar cerdas ini secara umumnya  

Help your talented students...

Strategies to Improve Motivation
Many students with disabilities lack motivation. The lacking of motivation often stems from a low self-esteem or confidence level. As teachers and parents, there is a lot that can be done to improve the motivational level. One needs to remember that these students are often fragile mentally and require a great deal of confidence boosting before the following techniques will work. The goal is often to help develop a can do attitude, one that sets the child up for success.
Try the following strategies:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bimbingan untuk Kanak-kanak Pintar Cerdas atau Seperior.

Adi Putra bin Abd Ghani, nama yang sinonim dengan kecerdikan dan kebijaksanaan apabila anak kecil ini berjaya menyelesaikan permasalahan matematik dan mencongak nombor yang bernilai tinggi serta mencipta kira-kira 200 formula matematik. Keupayaan permata milik

(Child Prodigy) Kanak-Kanak Paling Pintar di Dunia Belajar di Malaysia

Jikalau Malaysia terkenal kerana berjaya memiliki kanak-kanak pintar atau child prodigy seperti Adi Putra Abdul Ghani (11 tahun) yang berkemahiran bidang matematik, bagi kanak-kanak paling pintar di dunia bernama Ainan Celeste Cawley ini pula berkemahiran dalam bidang Kimia.  Gelaran kanak-kanak paling pintar di dunia telah diberikan kepada Ainan ketika kejayaannya dimuatkan dalam siri dokumentari di United Kingdom iaitu “The World’s Cleverest Child and Me“, dalam Channel 4 sebelum ini. 
Apa yang menarik keistimewaan tentang kanak-kanak paling pintar di dunia ini?
1) Nama penuhnya : Ainan Celeste Cawley. Berumur 10 tahun ketika artikel ini ditulis dan merupakan anak sulong kepada pasangan Valentine Cawley dan Syahidah Osman Cawley
2) Ainan mula merangkak pada usia empat bulan, berjalan ketika enam bulan dan berlari ketika lapan bulan
3) Pada umur enam tahun, Ainan mula menunjukkan minat membaca buku kimia
Bagimana tanda-tanda awal ibu bapa Ainan Celeste Cawley mengesan potensi yang ada pada anak mereka? (kata mereka)
1)  Apabila ibunya bercakap, dia memalingkan kepala kepada ibunya dan terus berhenti menangis
2) Ketika ibunya mengandungkan Ainan, berlaku gerhana matahari penuh dan kelihatan gerhana matahari tersebut bersama-samanya
Kejayaan dan pencapaian peribadi Ainan Celeste Cawley setakat ini 2010 ini?
1) Ainan menduduki ujian kimia peringkat O-Level ketika usianya tujuh tahun dan lulus ujian tersebut dan merupakan manusia termuda di dunia mencapai pencapaian dan rekod itu
2) Kejayaan Ainan dicatatkan dalam Singapore Book of Records
3) Pelajar politeknik termuda di dunia
4) Kanak-kanak pintar kimia pertama di dunia yang mendaftar masuk ke sebuah universiti
5) Universiti di Malaysia iaitu Kolej Universiti HELP di Pusat Bandar Damansara menjadi pilihan ibu bapa Ainan untuk menyambung pengajiannya dalam Ijazah Program Amerika
6) Ainan juga akan mengambil kursus sains komputer, di samping meneruskan pengajian kimia, subjek fizik dan matematik peringkat A-Level.
7) Ainan akan juga mengambil subjek sastera liberal untuk menjamin satu latar belakang pendidikan yang luas serta sebagai persediaan menghadapi tugas dan cabaran akan datang. Program pembelajarannya akan berubah mengikut minat Ainan sendiri.